The SIBO Diaries

The Many Root Causes of SIBO (an info-graphic)

If you have read my blog in the past, you know that I am constantly trying to persuade fellow SIBO sufferers to search for the root cause of their SIBO! Obviously that can be easier said than done, but true healing can not take place without treating your root cause(s).

I have been playing around with how to present the various root causes of SIBO and I decided to push my creativity to its limits and make an infographic. Below is the result!! It’s not super fancy, but I think it gets the job done!

So, I basically lay out the major root causes of SIBO and the mechanisms behind each root that can lead to SIBO. I would also like to point out that the root causes are not mutually exclusive. You can have multiple root causes that need to be addressed.

It takes being a health detective to treat SIBO! I hope this infographic can help you narrow down what the possible root causes might be for you! I plan on making another one with solutions and treatment tips for each root cause, so stay tuned for that! Click here to like the Facebook page so that you don’t miss any new posts! You can click on the infographic to see a bigger version. Until next time!

Not sure how to address your root causes? I can help!




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