8 Tips For Improving MMC function

I recently wrote an article about what activities inhibit MMC function and I wanted to build on that article by covering what activities will improve MMC function. Migrating motor complex deficiency is seen in 70% of patients who have SIBO. This deficiency in MMC activity creates an environment in the small intestines that is ripe for an overgrowth. High relapse rates in many SIBO patients can be a result of failing to address MMC deficiency. No amount of herbs or…

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Is Under-Eating Sabotaging your SIBO recovery?

During my SIBO journey, I failed to adequately nourish my body. The fear of feeding the SIBO caused me to unintentional under eat. When I transitioned to a lower carb whole foods diet, I also didn’t understand how much I needed to up my fat intake to meet my needs. I also wasn’t digesting and absorbing properly due to the gut inflammation and imbalance. The under-eating and the poor absorption resulted in uncontrollable weight loss. I felt weak and depleted.…

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7 Tips to Break Through Mental Roadblocks during SIBO Treatment

With SIBO, the focus of treatment is to remove the bacteria and fix the breakdowns in your gut function to prevent relapse. The healing process requires addressing these physical breakdowns, but a positive mindset is also an overlooked and crucial piece to this process. The ups and downs of the healing process can often do a number on your mental well being. My healing journey was quite bumpy and I often took one step forward only to take two steps…

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The connection between blood sugar instability and SIBO

When my SIBO was in full swing, I really struggled with blood sugar control. At one point, my doctor suspected that I may have type 1 diabetes because my blood sugar was swinging so high following meals. But, my fasting blood sugar remained in the optimal range. When your blood sugar is swinging back and forth, you and your gut will feel terrible! I always felt completely wiped out right after eating. My energy levels were completely unstable throughout the…

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The SIBO-hormone connection: how gut imbalance wreaks havoc on your hormonal health

When I was in the thick of my SIBO journey, my hormones were cray cray. My thyroid hormones were in the tank, my cortisol levels were through the roof and my period had been absent for over a year! This pattern of low thyroid hormones, high cortisol levels and low sex hormones is so common in my SIBO clients. The connection between hormonal health and gut health is indisputable. This leads to the question, does hormone dysfunction cause SIBO or…

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FMT Update # 2

Ever since my FMT post, I have received an endless stream of messages wanting to know how the heck I am doing! So, I apologize for not doing this sooner and leaving you all waiting with baited breath. It has been 10 months since my last FMT treatment! My gut symptoms have improved about 60-75%. I do get some bloating and abdominal pain occasionally , but not nearly as bad as I used to. I honestly think that my remaining…

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Why you shouldn’t ignore weight loss during SIBO treatment?

During my SIBO journey, managing my weight was a monumental task. I had a very rapid and scary weight loss of about 25 pounds in a 4-month period. And I was at a healthy weight before the loss so I looked and felt quite emaciated when I reached my lowest weight. What was even scarier than my severe weight loss was how others perceived my weight loss. There were 3 main reactions that were all detrimental to my healing journey.…

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Is your SIBO diet too restrictive? Or not restrictive enough?

There was nothing that made me want to pull my own hair out more than trying to decide on what diet to follow during SIBO treatment. It seemed like many of the popular SIBO diets contradicted each other. I latched on to the popular notion that the more I could starve the bacteria the faster I would beat the SIBO. So, I religiously followed a low carb SCD/FODMAP combo for 4 months. It seemed like my whole life revolved around avoiding…

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The importance of moving through grief and pain during your healing journey. And how “Swamping” can help!

Any one with SIBO (or any other chronic health problem) knows that the healing journey can be a rollercoaster ride both physically and emotionally. There can be peaks like the joy and energy you feel after you receive that negative SIBO test. That sweet relief you feel when you can finally get back to the life you once had that wasn’t burdened by the painful belly bloat and dietary restrictions. But, then comes the relapse! You are completely devastated. The hopelessness and loss…

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The Many Root Causes of SIBO (an info-graphic)

If you have read my blog in the past, you know that I am constantly trying to persuade fellow SIBO sufferers to search for the root cause of their SIBO! Obviously that can be easier said than done, but true healing can not take place without treating your root cause(s). I have been playing around with how to present the various root causes of SIBO and I decided to push my creativity to its limits and make an infographic. Below…

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