The connection between blood sugar instability and SIBO

When my SIBO was in full swing, I really struggled with blood sugar control. At one point, my doctor suspected that I may have type 1 diabetes because my blood sugar was swinging so high following meals. But, my fasting blood sugar remained in the optimal range. When your blood sugar is swinging back and forth, you and your gut will feel terrible! I always felt completely wiped out right after eating. My energy levels were completely unstable throughout the…

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How to repair the brain-gut axis? It all starts with the Vagus!

As I discussed in my last post, so many SIBO sufferers and practitioners mistakenly view SIBO as solely a bacterial problem. By blindly focusing on the overgrowth, many SIBO sufferers relapse continuously, because they haven’t addressed the motility problem that is causing their SIBO. These motility problems can stem from a plethora of potential root causes such as hormonal dysfunction (especially thyroid diseases like Hashimotos and cortisol dysregulation), large intestinal bacterial imbalances, autoimmune diseases, liver inflammation, heavy metal toxicity and brain inflammation…

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