The connection between blood sugar instability and SIBO

When my SIBO was in full swing, I really struggled with blood sugar control. At one point, my doctor suspected that I may have type 1 diabetes because my blood sugar was swinging so high following meals. But, my fasting blood sugar remained in the optimal range. When your blood sugar is swinging back and forth, you and your gut will feel terrible! I always felt completely wiped out right after eating. My energy levels were completely unstable throughout the…

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The SIBO-hormone connection: how gut imbalance wreaks havoc on your hormonal health

When I was in the thick of my SIBO journey, my hormones were cray cray. My thyroid hormones were in the tank, my cortisol levels were through the roof and my period had been absent for over a year! This pattern of low thyroid hormones, high cortisol levels and low sex hormones is so common in my SIBO clients. The connection between hormonal health and gut health is indisputable. This leads to the question, does hormone dysfunction cause SIBO or…

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Why I don’t believe in SIBO diets…

When I first got diagnosed with SIBO, my practitioner put me on the extremely restrictive Low FODMAP/SCD combination that seems to be the go to protocol by many in the SIBO community. I was on the diet for about 4 months in conjunction with herbal and antibiotic treatment. Although I was following the diet to a tee, my health continued to deteriorate. I struggled to maintain my weight, my gut symptoms were even worse than before and my hormones were…

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How ignoring your thyroid could be derailing your SIBO recovery….

After spending a lot of time interacting with the SIBO community and through my own experience and research, I think many practitioners and SIBO sufferers fail to recognize the importance of a healthy thyroid during SIBO treatment. The thyroid is a butterfly shaped organ that produces hormones that are used by virtually every cell in the body. These thyroid hormones are in charge of our bodies metabolism; which means they determine how we utilize the calories that we eat. Here is…

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