8 Tips For Improving MMC function

I recently wrote an article about what activities inhibit MMC function and I wanted to build on that article by covering what activities will improve MMC function. Migrating motor complex deficiency is seen in 70% of patients who have SIBO. This deficiency in MMC activity creates an environment in the small intestines that is ripe for an overgrowth. High relapse rates in many SIBO patients can be a result of failing to address MMC deficiency. No amount of herbs or…

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The SIBO-hormone connection: how gut imbalance wreaks havoc on your hormonal health

When I was in the thick of my SIBO journey, my hormones were cray cray. My thyroid hormones were in the tank, my cortisol levels were through the roof and my period had been absent for over a year! This pattern of low thyroid hormones, high cortisol levels and low sex hormones is so common in my SIBO clients. The connection between hormonal health and gut health is indisputable. This leads to the question, does hormone dysfunction cause SIBO or…

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How to repair the brain-gut axis? It all starts with the Vagus!

As I discussed in my last post, so many SIBO sufferers and practitioners mistakenly view SIBO as solely a bacterial problem. By blindly focusing on the overgrowth, many SIBO sufferers relapse continuously, because they haven’t addressed the motility problem that is causing their SIBO. These motility problems can stem from a plethora of potential root causes such as hormonal dysfunction (especially thyroid diseases like Hashimotos and cortisol dysregulation), large intestinal bacterial imbalances, autoimmune diseases, liver inflammation, heavy metal toxicity and brain inflammation…

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