Is your SIBO diet too restrictive? Or not restrictive enough?

There was nothing that made me want to pull my own hair out more than trying to decide on what diet to follow during SIBO treatment. It seemed like many of the popular SIBO diets contradicted each other. I latched on to the popular notion that the more I could starve the bacteria the faster I would beat the SIBO. So, I religiously followed a low carb SCD/FODMAP combo for 4 months. It seemed like my whole life revolved around avoiding…

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The importance of moving through grief and pain during your healing journey. And how “Swamping” can help!

Any one with SIBO (or any other chronic health problem) knows that the healing journey can be a rollercoaster ride both physically and emotionally. There can be peaks like the joy and energy you feel after you receive that negative SIBO test. That sweet relief you feel when you can finally get back to the life you once had that wasn’t burdened by the painful belly bloat and dietary restrictions. But, then comes the relapse! You are completely devastated. The hopelessness and loss…

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SIBO Sleuthing Infographic: The symptoms and testing that can help you find your root cause(s)!

Last week, I uploaded my root cause infographic and it seemed like you guys liked that format! So, I decided to do another infographic! Yay for artsy SIBO content! In this infographic, I wanted to give you a list of the most common symptoms for each root cause. I could not include all the symptoms. There are just too many to list on an infographic. But, I think I listed enough of the most common symptoms to give you an idea…

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